Sunday, February 26, 2012

Moving forward

"Be happy if he's moved on, be caution with the one that "loves" you now, and forget those who have wronged you in the past"


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Wish Nothing But the Best For You

If you're anything like me you've had the song "Someone Like You" by Adele on replay. This song is so touching and even though this may not be your current situation it sure as heck hits that soft spot in your heart by just the way Adele sings it. I couldn't help but go back in my mind and think about how many times I thought I couldn't live without a certain someone even after the years went by. That sudden void of not having that person next to you is like a knife cutting into your very soul. But you can't help but wish the best for that person. You could never wish that person harm, but in the back of your mind you wish that person would show up at your door at 2 a.m like in the movies, but it never happens. Love is complicated but it's also blind, many times we think that we're in love when we really aren't. Women, usually, tend to get attached really quickly and we fall hard! We love with all our soul, but the relationship never lasts, is it just us? Why must this always happen to me? Those thoughts of pity fills our mind, but what Adele forgot to add or what she of course did add in her other song "rolling in the Deep" is how you can progress from that feeling of pityness and into the light of hope, hope that someone new will come, or simply that you guys weren't meant to be. Either way change is in the horizon... and remember change always brings gifts. =)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Story of Everyone and Nobody

One day Sally Everyone, Joe Anyone, Sam Nobody and Kathy Somebody were assigned group members for the science fair. At first Everyone was ambitious to start working. But as the weeks went by Everyone started showing up late, thinking Nobody would care. Eventually Everyone assumed that if Anyone didn't do their part Somebody would eventually do it. 
So when the day of the science fair came and Everyone looked at Somebody to see if Anybody did the project. But it turned out that while Everyone though Someone would be the one to do the project, in reality it was Nobody the one that finished the project.

Sometimes we need to stop relaying on other people to do what we know we should do before it comes to bite us.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Say Cheese!!

It seems like every time I go outside no one is smiling. Everyone always has a serious look on their face. Why is that? Is it because you're in a hurry? Perhaps you're mad or irritated. But 97% of the times, if you sit and just observe people go about their day they always have a long face. No one smiles, ESPECIALLY in NYC. If you even smile at someone on the train or bus they might think you're crazy! Why is that? Are we crazy for being happy? Or are we crazy to actually show some type of emotion? I know mornings aren't the best time of day for some people but why frown? Smile!
I want everyone to try this, smile to at least one person per day. Brighten up someones day with a hello, or a good morning. Get out of the ordinary. 'Cuz you never know who might be falling in love with you're smile ;-)