Friday, August 19, 2011


I think everyone just LOVES the weekends. No work, no school, hardly no responsibilities. Just you the t.v. and all the junk food you can eat. Or at least that's how it was. But now more than ever it seems like "Friday's" has become the symbolism for party time. All you hear at work, school, and especially on Facebook is "can't wait for Friday to DRINK... Can't wait to go clubbing or Can't wait to get it in." Clubs are said to be places where you go to "have fun," "relax" and "meet new people"..... Fun & relaxing? Really? With all the publicity clubs have gotten, all we have seen is the exact opposite of fun and relaxing.  Lets get REAL, what happens in clubs? You spend all your money on booze, sweat, and half the time get in confrontations 'cuz people act stupid when they drink. What is so fun and relaxing about that? At the end of the day you're broke, with a headache, and no memory of what you did. Yet that's "so EPIC?" Posting up pictures on Facebook of your tits about to hang out, your buddy chugging a whole bottle and you passed out in the corner and underneath all the photos are comments saying"OMG ya didn't invite me" or "Damn that looks like a good time." Maybe its just me but, Whats so appealing about being sloppy and looking skanky? 
In clubs girls always get harassed by men, you're in a crowded area, the music is so loud  you can't hold a conversation and women ask why they can't find a decent man. What type of man are you looking for that holds value and still goes clubbing? Where he's probably grinding on a girl, getting various numbers or just making out on the dance floor. And not to mention you provoking the HELL out of them with dresses and shorts border line showing your asses. And wondering why you always get the bad guys. How you dress and how you display your self is exactly how you're going to be treated.
Now I'm not saying partying is bad, I'm just saying THERE IS NO NEED TO PARTY EVERY WEEKEND. There is no need to get wasted Friday, Saturday and Sunday, there is no reason not to remember what you did or didn't do, and there is no need to spend $200 a night on going to the club. The weekends should be about relaxing, having fun, doing things you cant do on the weekdays. Waking up late, going shopping, or going to the park. How many people have lived in a town or city and haven't been to a landmark? And I'm guilty on this too. Living in NYC I've only been to the the statue of Liberty once, to central park twice and the never to the Empire State Building. Now this is just my opinion, but wouldn't it be better to actually DO SOMETHING fun on the weekend besides clubbing? Since we have already established how non relaxing and how non fun a club can be? What's your opinion? is it just me? Am I the ONLY person that feels this way?

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